Selasa, 02 Mei 2017

Argumentative Essay : Learning English (The difficulties in speaking English)

The difficulties in Speaking English

In Indonesia, english is a foreign language that is learned from elementary school to university, and some kindergarten give English lesson these days. It means English is an important lesson. But, it’s not easy for students in Indonesia to learning English because there’s so many terms that must be learned, like vocabulary, pronouncation, and grammar. There’s so many difficulty in these terms, so it give occasion to students reluctant to learn English. Some students think that English is too complecated for them.
In this modern and globalization era,  it’s really important to getting of best in English. It’s because English is the international English. It means almost people aroung the  world communicate in English. As you know, language is the main and basic in communication so you cann’t communicate with foreigner people if can understand and speak well in English. Speak English well is not an excellent thing these days.  It’s really a common thing if we can speak English well because now English is like our weapon to communicate with people around the world. So, it’s not too much if I said that learning English is our obigation.
Sometimes, English learners are too shy to try speaking English. Niharika said,”you are not going to learn to speak confidently if you ashamed all speaking in English”.  It means we must to keep speaking English evethough we are not great in vocabulary or worry about our pronouncation or the accent is right or not. But it is not an easy things for the people who is not expert in English yet. There are so many difficuty things in speaking English for some people,  like the English learners.
You can make a communication with people if you and the person know and understand about your conversation each other. In speak English, it’s okay if we do not using grammar or English structure as long as our interlocutors can understand our mean. But it can be a problem if we are in formal situation like a forum, or we have a presentation so we must using the structure of English, and it is such a complicated things for the learners or for the people who does not great in English yet.
As we know about the grammar in English , we usually confuse about using the structure or grammar in English. In example, we know about rule of ‘simple present tense’ that has formulation subject, verb, and object. When I try to speak English, I always thinking about “Should I add s/es to this sentence? Or not?” or “is this a regular verb or irregular verb or the different type?”. I always have this difficulty when trying to speak English formally.

So, as English is really important these days, we must keep learning English, especially in learn to speaking English, we must keep to try and try to speak English. It is because English is not like a chip in our brain but it is a complete learning process. 

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